Sunday, 6 February 2011

Liberalism, not 'Multiculturalism'.

David Cameron has spoken out over how ‘Multiculturalism’ has ruined Britain.

The timing of these words could not have been worse. The revolution across Egypt and his plea for a transition to a ‘westernized’ democracy seriously devalued the shit coming from his mouth. It seems our imperialist ideals in telling the rest of the world how to behave are a little hard to shake. Oh, and the statement was made, as our very own ironic Nazi group stages one of its largest demonstrations in Luton on Saturday. Cue anger and allegations of propaganda for the English Defence League from the far left.

Mr Cameron’s statement is certainly radical, and a change from the previous, so called ‘softly softly’ approach to the number one divisive issue.

He believes that ethnic minorities are living secular lives from the rest of society, and are failing to assimilate into our culture. Yeah, fair point. The cause for all this, apparently, is because ethnic minorities are not prepared to learn and accept British values and beliefs. Erm, hang on...

In his speech he talks about the need for a new policy of ‘muscular liberalism’. Aside from sounding like the physical after-effects of a severe stroke, it is a typically British and moody style of liberalism where the apparent open minded individual doesn't care for another opinion. A ‘muscular liberalism’ policy means that anyone coming to the UK would be forced to learn English, accept our laws and our right to freedom of speech (which we don’t have). To me, this doesn’t sound particularly liberal. ‘By all means come and live among us, but leave your heritage and beliefs at the door’.

Paul Vallely, writing for the Independent, effectively sums up the problem with these new liberal types. He says: “Multiculturalism was never popular with the Little Englanders of the right. But in recent years it has increasingly been attacked by the liberal left...

“(after 9/11) many of those who like to think of themselves as liberals then began exhibiting a new intolerance, demanding that minorities should assimilate more. Multiculturalism must not be allowed, as the Prime Minister now says, to encourage different cultures to live separate lives, sometimes behaving in ways that run counter to ‘our’ values.”

Aside from multiculturalism, what are ‘our’ values? A society that polices the world to our benefit, licks the arse of America and pays gross sums of money to a head of state who does fuck all?

I think the problem does not lie with policies set out previously by new Labour. Many people, including these ‘muscular liberals’ like to think that they are accommodating and prepared to accept and learn about other cultures. However, the idea that these minorities should integrate into our system is verging on monoculturalist, and the notion will breed further secularity within our society.

Mr Cameron refers to ‘state multiculturalism’ as the catalyst for ethnic minorities to live separately from the rest of society. Minority groups have always tried to integrate within our society. However many British nationals have been so unaccommodating towards minority groups that they are forced to live in segregation.

The race riots in St Pauls, Bristol, is one argument supporting this. Bristol has the largest Somalian minority population living in the UK. St Pauls, in Bristol, was one of the most deprived areas of the city, and the neglect of buildings and a lack of community services there meant that it became a residency for black and white working class individuals. On April 2 1980, a riot broke out in St Pauls after growing apathy at the state of the borough and the alienation of its residents, particularly the black youth. 25 people were hospitalised and 130 people were arrested. Understandably, tensions would remain high between the residents and the police for years to come.

The next morning, The Daily Telegraph carried the headline “19 Police Hurt in Black Riot”.

This is exactly the sort of mentality that needs to change if minority groups are to successfully integrate within society. Or, is this the sort of mentality that needs to change if WE are to successfully integrate with other cultures?

In an attempt to gently introduce this issue, Cameron cites extremism as the fundamental issue causing the division. However, Islamic extremism has only come to the forefront of society and minorities have had difficulty integrating long before 9/11. The problem lies with nationalist, narrow minded individuals afraid of anything that is not white, bland and made in China.

It is not multiculturalism we should be defending, it is liberalism.

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